Here are some simple things you can do to get your blog noticed quickly:
1. Submit your blog to all of the directories listed on Pingomatic which allows you to ping a few services all at once.
2. Submit your blog to Pingoat which allows you to ping over fifty blog ping services all at once.
3. Sign up for an account at BlogExplosion and register your blog there. After registering visit other members blogs to earn credits.
4. Submit your blog to all of the directores listed at RSS Feeds directory
5. Sign up for My Yahoo and add your blogs feed to your own “My Yahoo” account. This will get your blog included in Yahoo very quickly.
6. Sign up for My MSN, and add your blog to your own “My MSN” account. This will get your blog included in MSN very quickly.
7. Sign up for Google Pages, and add add some content (non spam) and link to your blog. This will get your blog included in Google very quickly.
8. Place a link to your blog in your signature, so that any posts to Forums, Outgoing Emails, etc, will promote your blog.
9. Place your blog on all the major search engines. will submit your blog free to the top 14 Search engines.
10. will submit your blog free to the top 20 Search engines.
11. Submit your good articles to Ezine Articles
12. Locate blogs with a lot of traffic and place relevant comments in their comment box . Do not spam or place the ‘I like your site,visit mine’ type comments.
13. And last, post quality content as often as possible
I hope these tips help you get your blog noticed. Know any other good tips? Please share them here.