25 December 2008

How to add shopping cart to your blog

The easiest way to add a shopping cart is to use Paypal Merchant Tools. Of course in order to make use of this service, you will need a Paypal account if you don't already have one. Signing up is free and easy. Plus by making use of Paypal Merchant Tools, you can accept credit card payments.

Perhaps the easiest way to describe how to add a shopping cart to your blog is to describe how I set up this demonstration "online shop" at Demonstration shopping cart.

First, you will have to prepare your post. Add photographs, description, prices, etc.

Then, sign into your Paypal account. Then click on the Merchant Tool Paypal Merchant Tool Tab tab. Then at the right sidebar, click on "Paypal Shopping Cart", then enter the details like Item Name/Service, Item ID/Number (optional), Price of Item/Service you want to sell, Currency, etc. Then either tick the Paypal "Add to Card" Paypal Add to Cart button button or if you have your own button hosted on the web, enter its URL. Click the "Create button now" Paypal Create Button Now button at the bottom of the page and 2 HTML script will be generated - one for the "Add to Shopping Cart" button and another for the "View Cart" button. Copy the HTML scripts and paste them in the appropriate places in your Post Editor Window. Add further buttons if required and when finished, publish the post.

How you can withdraw funds from your Paypal account
Note that there are two ways to withdraw money from a Paypal account - by check or transfer to your bank account. For withdrawal by check, only residents of U.S., Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Ecuador, India, Jamaica, and Uruguay can do that. Regarding transfer to bank account, I have requested information on which countries can do that and will update this post when I get a response. In the meantime, what I have done is emailed my niece in US to ask if she could help me by opening a Paypal account if she don't already have one and I send what I have in my Paypal account to her and she help me transfer that to me. Waiting for a response.

Many have said it is possible for non-residents of eTrade to open a US bank account (one even guaranteed it, but unless I am desperate, I will take that guarantee with a pinch of salt). I have corresponded with eTrade and they have told me that only US residents and/or those who have a Social Security number can do that. If any reader knows of ways for people like us to withdraw from Paypal account, I hope you will leave a comment in this post. It will be very much appreciated.